Discount Fine Print and Details

Here are the details that apply to any discounts or specials.

  1. Discounts and specials cannot be combined on any projects, but you may use different discounts on quilts sent at the same time. For example, if you send two quilts at once, you may one discount per quilt, as applicable.

  2. Our $50 minimum on any single project still applies. Your discount or special can bring your price down to the minimum, but not below it.

  3. If there is a deadline on a discount or special, your quilt needs to be in the studio by the deadline (either by local delivery or mail).

  4. Unless otherwise stated, discounts apply only to edge-to-edge quilting. This does not include batting, or services such as binding or trimming.

It’s always exciting to collaborate with other amazing creatives! Thanks for working with us :)

